Manga eiga hyōryū-ki: Oshidori animētā Okuyama Reiko to Kotabe Yōichi
Recommendations including this Document
The following list of recommended references was selected and written by researchers and experts trusted by the Research and Education Committee; however, there are, of course, other important animation study references that have not been included. This list was prepared by members of the Research and Education Committee to examine more closely certain references. (Authors: Takashi KAYAMA, Akiko SUGAWA, Naomi IGARASHI, Shō KOBAYASHI)
This is a collection of interviews with animator Yoichi Kotabe and people around him. Along with clearly establishing Kotabe’s role within the history of Japanese anime, the interviews with his wife Reiko Okuyama and with Akemi Miyazaki, who worked at Toei Animation at the same time, provide particularly valuable testimonies.(Kobayashi)