Database for Animation Studies


The Dragon and the Dazzle: Models, Strategies, and Identities of Japanese Imagination—A European Perspective

  • Title (Japanese)
The Dragon and the Dazzle: Models, Strategies, and Identities of Japanese Imagination—A European Perspective
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Recommendations including this Document
Renato Rivera Rusca

A triumphant attempt to mitigate the apparent bias on Anglophonic-regions in discussions of “Japanese pop culture around the world”—the ubiquity of manga and anime in mainland European regions tells a deeper, more complex tale of exports, localization, co-productions, etc., giving a fuller picture of the true globalization of Japanese contents.

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The Japanese animation industry is a multi-faceted, unique system of intricate, interlocking businesses, frameworks, networks and processes. While much has been written on the sociocultural impact of anime around the world, as well as thematic analysis of individual works, in truth there are many aspects which still warrant further discussion, in order to more adequately understand the elements beyond the surface. This list is a compilation of sources of information which may serve as a start to help shed light and contribute to a fuller image of the inner workings and idiosyncrasies of the anime industry.

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