The Moe Manifesto: An Insider's Look at the Worlds of Manga, Anime, and Gaming
Recommendations including this Document
The following list of recommended references was selected and written by researchers and experts trusted by the Research and Education Committee; however, there are, of course, other important animation study references that have not been included. This list was prepared by members of the Research and Education Committee to examine more closely certain references. (Authors: Kayama Takashi, Sugawa Akiko, Nakagaki Kotaro)
A writer who is well-versed in Japanese subculture offers this commentary on “moe culture” for English speakers. The author appreciates the phenomenon while traversing the fields of manga, anime, and video games. The text provides valuable, up-to-date information on the topic and thoughtful references to the state of affairs at the time of writing. (Nakagaki)