Unsung Heroes of Animation
Far beyond the Shrek, Toy Story and The Emperor’s New Groove billboards is a hidden little world that contains a variety of voices struggling to be seen and heard through the shouts from Hollywood. They are independent animators or personal filmmakers. These are animated films made with a wide array of techniques, themes and concepts that bear very little resemblance to the cookie cutter world of Hollywood animation. Unsung Heroes of Animation profiles about 25 animators introducing readers to the artist, their life and work. Each chapter contains stills from the filmmakers’ work along with a detailed filmography and information about finding the works. The title of the book been unabashedly appropriated from Nick Tosches’ Unsung Heroes of Rock and Roll. In his seminal book, he introduces readers to a variety of rock and roll pioneers whose work was either forgotten or overlooked. Chris Robinson does not intend to dig too far into animation’s past as most of the unsung animators are contemporary and have been so thoroughly marginalized that they haven’t even reached a level of being forgotten. You must be first known to be ignored!
A collection of texts about several notable international independent animators.