Database for Animation Studies


Kagayake 60 nendai sogetsu aato sentaa no zenkiroku

The 1960s: a time when all fields were active and brimming with enthusiasm. It was an epicenter of avant-garde art. Interviews with over 50 people involved can be found in this vital and varied collection of material.

  • Title (Japanese)
輝け60年代 草月アートセンターの全記録
  • Publish Date
  • Authors
  • Publisher
Film Art, Inc.
  • Book’s Website
  • ISBN
  • Webcat Plus
Recommendations including this Document
Nobuyuki Tsugata

You might be surprised to see this book on this list, but you want to get a grasp on Sogetsu, which was the departure point for recent movements in the world of short animation. This work gives detailed coverage of Sogetsu’s activities at the time, and the organization even today questions what it means to “create.”

Related Recommendations

The fact that I’m compiling this list means that this list will have nothing to do with “academism.” That is to say, I picked books to understand “anime history” and not the history of animation, and I focused on commercial books that probably haven’t gotten much attention in academic circles. However, I excluded my own books, and I also deliberately left off some standard references. The list is in chronological order based on publication date.

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Sogetsu aato sentaa no kiroku jikko iinkai