A Towering Presence and Spirit in Japan’s Postwar Animation: Isao Takahata (1935-2018)
This essay is an expansion of my earlier blog article, “Isao Takahata (1935-2018) A Towering Presence in Japan’s Postwar Animation” on animationstudies 2.0, May 7, 2018. The blog is affiliated with the Society for Animation Studies as the editors are members of the society. The blog is an internet space whereby scholars, artists and fans can present their current thought and work in a concise and prompt manner. As such, there is limited space to engage at length the deeper insights of the subject concerned. Here, I take this opportunity in discussing further my perception of the director’s contributions to the animation medium and the world of storytelling. I revisit the animated works of Takahata, review and reflect the director’s career in the postwar history of Japan, including anecdotal recollections of my research study and understanding of the his creative spirit.