Database for Animation Studies


Drawing Voices

This article presents a series of images, transcriptions, and musings on the making of Stranger Comes To Town (2007): an animated documentary that centers on the stories of six immigrants and visitors to the United States who describe their experiences crossing the border. The author chooses 10 images that are accompanied by transcriptions of each interviewee's statements. She follows each pairing with a musing on either the process of making the animation - what she gleaned about the interviewee from the process of syncing a fabricated image to a real' voice, the different ways voice and text can play off each other in animation - or the (still surprisingly) subversive gesture of using subjective hand-drawn animations in documentary form.

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Goss, Jacqueline
Jacqueline Goss
Stranger Comes To Town
animation/documentary hybrids
experimental documentary
filmmaker image/text essay
Jacqueline Goss
Stranger Comes To Town