Database for Animation Studies


Japan Anima (tor) 's Exhibition visual resource collection Vol.1 `Nishiogikuboeki toho 20-bu 2 LDK shiki rei 2kagetsu petto-fuka no iroiro tsumatta hon'

  • Title (Japanese)
日本アニメ(ーター)見本市資料集 Vol.1 「西荻窪駅徒歩20分2LDK敷礼2ヶ月ペット不可 のいろいろ詰まった本」
  • Publish Date
  • Authors
  • Publisher
Ground Works
Recommendations including this Document

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The following list of recommended references was selected and written by researchers and experts trusted by the Research and Education Committee; however, there are, of course, other important animation study references that have not been included. This list was prepared by members of the Research and Education Committee to examine more closely certain references. (Authors: Takashi KAYAMA, Akiko SUGAWA, Naomi IGARASHI, Shō KOBAYASHI)

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