Database for Animation Studies


Natsu wo koshita eiga

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Ushio Shuppan
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  • Webcat Plus
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Kayu Adachi

Animation about “battles” underwent a major transformation during the anime boom that included “Uchuusenkan Yamato” (Space Battleship Yamato), “Ginga Tetsudo 999” (Galaxy Express 999), and “Kidousenshi Gandamu” (Mobile Suit Gundam). Contemporary critique about the meaning of that shift.

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“Battles” are the most popular subject matter for animation, but are challenging when it comes to theory. One of the reasons is that “battles” erupt within the messiness of many factors including personal desires, the premise of a group’s establishment, and the trends of the times. I selected the books on this list to offer approaches for dealing with that messiness. The publications are listed in chronological order based on the release year for the animation work being discussed.

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Yoshimoto, Takaaki