Database for Animation Studies


Animals in Motion

  • Title (Japanese)
Animals in Motion
  • Publish Date
  • Authors
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Dover publications
Recommendations including this Document
Kazui, Hiroko

Recently, it has become possible to “observe” the movements of animals on the internet, but there are few opportunities to confirm movements of the musculature or bones one by one. This valuable reference enables the reader to “observe” animals whenever and wherever, as with The Human Figure in Motion.

Related Recommendations

My purpose for the list as a whole was to make a list of texts that teach how to create motion with pictures. When you teach animation, you often receive questions about how to do that. So, we have created a list of reference material that can lead to practical knowledge. The selector supplied this list from her production experience, which spans more than 30 years. We hope that students will use these materials at the early stages of learning—looking, understanding, and applying—and will acquire practical knowledge about “moving,” a useful foundation for their creative activities.

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