Before World War II, Taihei Imamura’s Manga Eigaron [A Study of Comics and Films] was the only literature on animation. In recent years, there is much literature to read. I recommend literature based on my impressions while reading them, rather than as general source materials. Other than those 10 books I chose, L. Martin’s Of Mice and Magic and Takuya Mori’s Teihon Animation no Gyagu Sekai [General Reader: World of gags in Animation] were two memorable literature sources. It might be presumptuous for me to recommend my coauthored book, Nihon Animation Eiga Shi [A History of Japanese Animation Films], but I am proud to say that the Library of Congress in the United States has purchased it.
Masaoka was born to a rich landowner’s family. He studied painting at an art school, but he was attracted to films and moved to film production. He was the first Japanese to introduce sound animations and the classical “cel” animation system, as well as streamlining anime production. Hagiwara’s book evaluated Masaoka in art circles and as an anime pioneer.