Database for Animation Studies

10 Books/Articles for Understanding Animation and Pilgrimages

Takayoshi Yamamura

We’ve become familiar with the term “anime pilgrimage,” which happens when watching an animation motivates a person to visit to a specific place that is the setting, inspiration or otherwise somehow connected to the anime work. In addition, the “anime pilgrimage” movement is beginning to attract attention among overseas fans as well as scholars. I’ve compiled a list of useful introductory works primarily in the field of tourism research that offer a structural understanding of anime pilgrimages.

Takayoshi Yamamura, Anime/manga de chiiki shinkou – machi no fan wo umu kontentsu tsuurizumu kaihatsuhou (Local Promotion through Anime/Manga – Methods for Developing Contents Tourism to Create Local Fans), Tokyo Horei Shuppan, 2011

Uses specific case studies to overview the issues and possibilities for collaborations between anime and localities, which began increasing from around 2007. Offers tremendous value with detailed records of the thinking of producers, local residents and fans at the time

Takeshi Okamoto, n ji sousaku kankou anime seichi junrei/kontentsu tuurizumu/kankoushakaigaku no kanousei (n-th Degree Creative Tourism: The Potential of Anime Pilgrimages/Contents Tourism/Sociology of Tourism), NPO Hokkaido Alternative Art and Publishing, 2013

Sociology of tourism book analyzing the role that anime pilgrimages play in communication with other people. This scholarly work is based on the author’s doctoral thesis, but the accessible writing style and structure makes it an ideal introductory text for students.

Takayoshi Yamamura
Professor of Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University

Takayoshi Yamamura is a professor of Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University and he holds a PhD in urban engineering from the University of Tokyo. His English works receive international acclaim, such as: ‘Contents Tourism and Local Community Response’, Japan Forum Special Edition (27.1), ‘The Mediatisation of Culture: Japanese contents tourism and popular culture’ in Jo-Anne Lester and Caroline Scarles (eds) Mediating the Tourist Experience: From Brochures to Virtual Encounters.


The following list of recommended references was selected and written by researchers and experts trusted by the Research and Education Committee; however, there are, of course, other important animation study references that have not been included. This list was prepared by members of the Research and Education Committee to examine more closely certain references. (Authors: Kayama Takashi, Sugawa Akiko, Nakagaki Kotaro)